NEWPOS RKI Batch remote key injection.<br>NEWPOS RKI provides customers with secure remote key injection services, which can remotely inject new keys into thousands of POS terminals. Users can view the key injection status and information at any time, allowing us to integrate more closely with our customers.
Solution advantage
  • Remote key download
    Remotely inject POS machine keys in batches to ensure that the machines are of the latest certification specifications.
  • Reduce labor costs
    Without the need for personnel to be present, batch key injection operations can be performed directly on POS terminals through the background.
  • Convenient device management
    Batch download in the background, unified management of certificates, improve management efficiency and reduce management costs.
  • Live update and maintenance
    The RKI solution realizes real-time update and maintenance to ensure that the latest keys are injected into the machine to cope with changing security requirements.
  • Data security protection
    Adopt strict encryption and transmission mechanisms to ensure confidentiality and integrity during key transmission.
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